On the Default record types tab, which is present only when you have selected a database for which a Record type field has been set, you determine the default access rights for all fields in this database, based on the record type of a displayed or edited record.
If a record type field has been specified for a database (activating the current tab), then for all fields Full access rights have to be specified for the record types for which these fields must be visible on screens! The fastest way to achieve this is by setting default record type access rights here on this tab. All you must do is specify the default access rights per desired record type or $REST, which should apply to all fields for which that record type has not been assigned any access rights individually. $REST stands for all record types which have not been assigned access rights for a field.
For example, after specifying a record type field for database Collect, all fields on all screens in the object and archive data sources would be hidden by default. To fix this, simply specify Full access rights for "Record type" $REST here on the Default record types properties tab of Collect. Since no specific record type access rights have yet been specified per field, this will just show all fields again, for any record type.
Will it ever be necessary to set default record type access rights other than $REST = Full? Well, maybe only if you have a record type x for which only a small number of fields (less than half the total number of fields in the data dictionary of the relevant database anyway) must be visible on the screens. Although you can also set field-level record type access rights in batch, it's just the least amount of work to specify default record type access right None for that specific record type here too, so that you'll only have to specify Full access rights for this record type per field for a relatively small number of fields. From a design viewpoint it's probably also best to specify defaults here only if they apply to the majority of fields: it's logical to only specify the exceptions to the norm on field level.
Note that record type access rights on field level always override the default access rights for the same record type on database level.

Click here for information on how to edit properties in general. On the current tab you'll find the following settings:

Record types

Here you may define which Record types have which implicit Access rights by default, for all fields in this database. You can indicate for each record type whether no access (None), Read access, Write access or Full access must apply.