Multilingual fields should never contain values without language attribute. This may occur though if previously monolingual fields which already contained data, have been made multilingual by marking the relevant checkbox in the field properties in the .inf.

In Collections, if you right-click the field that was made multilingual while it already had data in it (and it won’t show in the displayed record in Collections anymore), and select Properties in the pop-up menu, you should still see the field value without language attribute. After this tool has run with the fix parameter, the language attribute should be visible in the properties and the value itself should be visible in the record itself when the proper data language is active.

The command-line AddDataLanguage.exe is used to either just report on all missing language attributes on monolingual field values in multilingual fields or to fix them as well by adding a language attribute to the values.

Be advised to create a backup before applying this tool.


AddDataLanguage <data folder> <language> [check|fix] [database table name] [field]


<data folder> - mandatory; path to the data folder of the application
<language> - mandatory, in the format 'xx-YY' (e.g. en-GB or de-DE)
[check|fix] - optional, choose between check and fix: check reports the missing language attributes and fix also adds them to the record; when the attribute is left out it works like check
[database table name] – a comma separated list of database tables to be repaired: use * for all database tables; when the attribute is left out it works like *
[field] – a comma separated list of fields to be repaired; use * for all multilingual fields; when the attribute is left out it works like *

The tool reports all the missing language attributes, per database table, record, field and occurrence. The tool’s report can be redirected to a file.

A command-line example:

AddDataLanguage "\\ourserver\TestCases\test application 4.5.2\data" en-GB check document

For a check, nothing is done with the data language. Only with fix is the change applied. Do a check first, then a fix.