Database Integrity Tools

Database Integrity Tools


ValidateDatabase: the purpose of the ValidateDatabase tool is to check one or more database tables for any tags that have not been defined in the data dictionary (your .inf database structure files) and report on them.
RemoveTagsFromData: the RemoveTagsFromData tool removes any undefined and redundant tags and their content from your records in one or more database tables.
IndexCheck: the IndexCheck tool is meant to check whether indexes are correct, by reading all records again and comparing the current contents of the index to what is supposed to be indexed. If wrong keys appear in the current index, or if values from records are still missing in it, IndexCheck can automatically perform repairs to yield a correct index.
LinkRefCheck: the purpose of the LinkRefCheck tool is to make sure that the reference in the link reference tag of linked fields in a database table points to an existing linked record, and that no value is stored in the linked field itself. It also empties any accidentally stored merged-in fields, because merged-in fields shouldn’t be stored in the database table either.
ConvertInternalLinks: the ConvertInternalLinks tool converts both the structure and contents of fields internally linked on value (as was the case in model applications older than version 4.5.2a) in one or more tables in your database to fields internally linked on reference.
InternalLinkCheck: of internal links, InternalLinkCheck checks if the forward and backward references match up and reports any errors. Those errors can be repaired as well.
RemoveLanguageFromData: RemoveLanguageFromData.exe can be used is two different ways, to convert a multilingual field into a unilingual one or to remove specific multilingual data.
AddDataLanguage: AddDataLanguage is used to either just report on all missing language attributes on monolingual field values in multilingual fields or to fix them as well by adding a language attribute to the values.
IndexTool: with IndexTool you are able to quickly create full text or normal indexes and do it substantially faster than Designer can. However, indexed links and indexes for metadata tables are not supported by the tool yet, so you should use Designer if those types of indexes appear in your application (too).

These tools work on SQL databases only.

Be advised to create a backup of your application and database before applying any of these tools.


Web Help version: 1.0.001

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