

message = TEXT$ (handle, text_number)


message: text

handle, text_number: integer


TEXT$ fills message with the text from line number text_number of the text file referred to with handle.
The text file referred to with handle must have been opened with openfile first.

It is also possible to put all texts used by adapls in one text file (per language), and open the right language variant in the running application automatically, whenever an adapl needs to read from a text file, by just providing the name of this .txt file once, in the Adapl option in the application setup.
The advantage of this option is that you no longer have to open specific text files in adapls before you can read from them. You can just always read from the text file specified in the application setup (without providing a handle). You then only have to provide the text_number. The syntax then becomes:

message = TEXT$ (text_number)

See also

Handling text files