

PRINT pos, max, expression


pos, max: integer

expression: text


The PRINT instruction places the text resulting from the expression in the print line, starting at position pos and with a maximum length max. If max is not enough to print everything, the text is automatically word-wrapped. The line is built up by PRINT instructions and closed with an OUTPUT instruction.

Dimensions for this function are in AUs (Adlib Units). A horizontal AU is 1/90 of the width of a standard printable A4 area; a vertical AU is 1/72 of the length of the standard printable A4 area.

The standard font and font size for printing exactly 90 characters across the full available page width, is Courier size 11. If you change the margins yourself, then correspondingly the number of units that can be printed will be reduced. If you change the font, you will be able to print fewer or more characters across the width of the page, depending on the font and font size you choose.

The number of lines printed by adapls depends partly on the type of printer you are using. Test how many lines your printer will print in the specified font and use that number as the default for printing.

Note that printing doesn't work in storage adapls or after-field adapls.

See also