

tag IS variable_name


is is used for the definition of database variables in FACS. By tag we mean the field tag as it occurs in the declared database definition file (.inf). The variable_name is the name (alias) by which the field is known in this ADAPL procedure. Allocation of an alias is only necessary if a tag also occurs in another database used in this adapl, but is always allowed. ADAPL programs are much more readable if you use aliases, which may comprise up to 32 characters, instead of tag names consisting of two characters. In an ADAPL program, each alias may only have one meaning.

Example 1

Example of a FACS buffer declaration:

FDSTART BOOKS '../data+document>book'

au IS BOOKS_Author

ti IS BOOKS_Title

%0 IS BOOKS_Priref



Example 2

Example of a FACS buffer declaration if you don't want to assign database variables because you're only using one database table in this adapl:

FDSTART BOOK '../data+document>book'






Each declared tag here can now be accessed in this adapl directly, after reading a BOOK record with the FACS READ instruction.

See also

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