Output formats

Adapl-only output formats are special ADAPL programs that are used to generate a printable document from marked records. (Output formats in general, can also be made using Word templates, XSLT stylesheets or Excel templates too, but that is discussed elsewhere.) The ADAPL program is used to format the printout of the records. To use output formats, take the following steps:

1. Write the ADAPL program using Axiell Designer or a text editor like Notepad++.
2. Compile the adapl with Designer or the ADAPL compiler. This produces an executable program file with the extension .bin.
3. In the Output jobs list under a data source node in the application setup, you add the print adapls to be used for the currently selected data source.

Please note that, in the case of multilingual applications, no fixed texts for printing should be used; instead, texts from text files should be used so that those texts can appear in the current interface language.


A very small output format which lists the record number and the title of marked records:

print 3, 8, str$(%0, 'ZZZZZZZ#') /* priref
print 15, 60, ti[1] /* title occurrence 1
output line /* with line break

See also

Output formats in the application setup

ADAPL programming: accessing data for a Word template from within an adapl