
The indexed link and full text index types, the triple index type for reverse relation metadata and the metadata database themselves are supported by all Axiell software, but importing new data into databases with these table types can only be done either through Axiell Collections, through the internally used Axiell Migration tool or via importtool.exe. Axiell Designer and import.exe (which normally allow for more complex import jobs than Collections) however, are not capable of such imports and probably won’t ever be as they will be deprecated in favour of importtool.exe. Importtool.exe has been developed to support all current database table types used by Collections and to thereby replace Designer and import.exe for the more complex import jobs.

The import jobs themselves can still be made in Designer, but not all options are supported in importtool.exe currently (2023-08-28) and the field mapping for XML exchange file types is different. It does support the following features:

ASCII Delimited (CSV)*, unstructured AdlibXML (from version, grouped AdlibXML and (Adlib) Tagged import;
Process links and Process internal links options (on or off);
Import-adapl scripts;
Clear database prior to running the import job (on or off);
Setting the default Record owner value;
The Add new records option (on or off);
Updating existing records (when Update tag has been filled in), but the Update language option is not used and the Delete data in existing records option is not checked, it is implicitly set to No;
Multilingual grouped XML and multilingual unstructured XML (the latter from version can be imported. For an update job you can provide the “culture” (data language) in the command line if the data language of the imported field data to search for in the update tag is different from the Windows locale, otherwise the Windows locale of the environment in which importtool is running will be used. (The Update language option in import jobs isn't used.) See the list below for the relevant command line option;
As importtool.exe can only import AdlibXML (not any deviating XML types), the mapping of source fields from the XML exchange file has been simplified in version Where Designer required full XML paths in the Source field column on the Mapping tab of an import job, importtool.exe only allows field names in this column (without any path in front of them or any sharp brackets).
Changing the default tag separator using the <FS> field mapping option;
Changing the default record separator using the <RS> field mapping option;
Milestone value set in import job;

The Forcing always allowed option is implicitly switched on by default, like in Collections import. The Ignore priref checkbox is assumed to be deselected. Options not mentioned here, are ignored by the import tool.

Remember that after creating the import job in Designer, you should not run it from Designer if your database contains the new types of indexes: then always use the tool.

The command line syntax of this tool is:

Importtool.exe -p <path to import job folder> -i <name of import job> -l <optional path to log file>

Complete list of command-line arguments:


Alternative argument

Optional / Mandatory





Culture (data language) of multilingual field data to use for searching the update tag, e.g. -c "en-US" or --culture "en-US".

This option is available from version By default, en-US is assumed.




Name of import job file, without path.




Flag to indicate that only new records should be imported.




Path to the import job file folder: enclose it in double quotes if the path contains spaces. If no path is provided, the import job file should be present in the current importtool.exe folder.




Path to optional log file: include the desired log file name in the path, e.g. mylog.txt.




Switch for the source XML type: Grouped or Unstructured.



Display this list of argu-ments.



Display version information about importtool.exe.


* Note that CSV files to be imported with importtool.exe must have a first row containing the English field names pertaining to their columns, just like a CSV for Collections import requires. Any field mapping in the import job is ignored. See The Import tool: create and update records ( for more information about the CSV requirements.