
The indexed link and full text index types, the triple index type for reverse relation metadata and the metadata database themselves are supported by all Axiell software, but exporting data from databases with these table types can only be done either through Axiell Collections or via exporttool.exe. Axiell Designer and export.exe however, are not capable of such exports and probably won’t ever be as they will be deprecated in favour of exporttool.exe. Exporttool.exe has been developed to support all current database table types used by Collections and to thereby replace Designer and export.exe for Adilb Tagged, CSV (comma-separated fields) or (Grouped) Adlib XML export jobs.

The export jobs themselves can still be made in Designer and all options are supported in exporttool.exe. However, some options can be overridden via exporttool.exe command-line options.

Remember that after creating the export job in Designer, you should not run it from Designer if your database contains the new types of indexes: then always use the tool.

The command line syntax of this tool is:

Exporttool.exe -p <path to export job folder> -e <name of export job> -l <optional path to log file>

Complete list of command-line arguments:


Alternative argument

Optional / Mandatory





Name of export job file, without path.

-p --path= optional Full or relative path to the export job file folder: enclose it in double quotes if the path contains spaces. If no path is provided, the export job file should be present in the current exporttool.exe folder. A relative path should be relative to the folder containing exporttool.exe.




Set it to the desired export format: Tagged, CSV or AdlibXml. AdlibXml exports to the Grouped variety. If this option is set, it overrides the default Adlib Tagged format to which a Designer export job would normally export.




Set to true or false. If set, it overrides the Link processing option set in the export job.




Use this option if the database table from which you are exporting has multilingual fields and you'd like to specify which language value to export. Specify the data language with a culture code like "en-US", "nl-NL" etc.

If no value is present in the specified language, the invariant language will be exported, if present, otherwise an empty occurrence will be exported.

If the option isn't used, values from culture "en-GB" will be exported, if present: if an "en-GB" value is not present, an empty occurrence will be exported, so any invariant is ignored.




For a CSV export it is important to indicate if you'd like All occurrences (which is also the default), only the First occurrence or the Preferred occurrence of repeated media reference fields to be exported and the first of all other fields. (For Preferred, if no preferred media reference is found, the first media reference is exported by default.) If you select All, you may also want to specify the occurrence separator text (see below) because all occurrences will be concatenated as if they were a single field value.




If for a CSV export, you selected occurrence mode All, you'll probably also want to specify the occurrence separator text because all occurrences will be concatenated as if they were a single field value. By default, a new line is used as separator. Choose a text or character other than a comma or new line because the comma is already used to separate fields. Enclose it in double quotes.

  --max-records optional Limit the export to the specified number of records. This is handy for testing purposes, for example. Option available from




Optionally specify an alternative file name to the file name specifed in the export job, possibly including a (relative) path. By default, the file is placed in the folder containing the export job file.
This will redirect the output from the configured destination file to another file; useful when exporting to a different format for which a different file extension is more appropriate (like .csv and .xml for the above mentioned export formats).




Path to optional log file: include the desired log file name in the path, e.g. mylog.txt.



Display this list of argu-ments.



Display version information about exporttool.exe.