Screens that you have edited in the Screen editor, can be saved directly from the Screen editor, from the Screens manager, from the main Designer window, or when closing Designer.

From the Screen editor

Changes* in the layout of a single screen or in the properties of a screen and the objects on it, can be saved directly manually in the currently visible screen (.fmt file) by choosing Save (Ctrl+S) in the File menu or by clicking the Save button:


Choose Save as in the File menu if you want to save the screen file under a different name than it currently has; the old screen file will not be deleted.

Note that when you create a new screen, it is immediately saved under the name you provide. If you decide later that you won't be needing this screen anymore, you will have to delete if from your system manually, via the Application browser or Windows Explorer.

From the Screens manager

If you've closed the Screen editor without saving the edited screens you can still save them here, or from the main Designer window. In the Needs saving column in the screens list in the Screens manager, any edited screens are marked Yes. Of these marked screen files you can choose which ones to save and which not.
If you select only one file, you can save it by choosing Save (Ctrl+S) in the File menu.

You can also select more than one file by holding the Ctrl key down and clicking all files to be selected. Then click the Save selected screens button:


If you just want all edited screens to be saved, you could also choose Save all (Ctrl+Shift+S) in the File menu.

From the main Designer window

In the main Designer window or in the Application browser, you can also save changes in edited files (not only screen files), by choosing File > Save all... or by clicking the Save all button:


In the Save objects window that opens when you click this button, you will be presented with an overview of all the unsaved files in which you made changes, and you can determine of each of these separately whether you want to save them or not, by selecting them or deselecting them. Click Yes to save the selected files. Cancel returns you to Designer.
When you close Axiell Designer while you haven't saved all changes yet, the Save objects window will automatically appear, allowing you to save your work before the application is closed.

* The nature of properties forms and lists sometimes requires you to leave a property that you just edited, before you can save it. So when you have edited your last property for today, make sure you first click some other property or tab, before you save all your work.