On the Application feature properties tab, which is present when you have selected a new or existing application feature in an application in the Application browser, you can allow non-admin users to have access to certain adminstrator functionality still.

Click here for information on how to edit properties in general. And click here to read about how to manage objects in the tree view in the Application browser. On the current tab you'll find the following settings:

Feature type

Select one of the available application features which you'd like to make available to certain non-admin roles too.

Role - Access rights

List one or more roles in the Access rights list and assign the desired access rights. (Do not include $ADMIN.)
Note that users with sufficient access rights to an application feature can still be prevented access to that feature if their roles have not been assigned explicit access rights to a possible other application object related to the feature. This currently only applies to the Move functionality: if the Missions and Mission items data sources have (only) been assigned None access rights for $REST, for example, then users with any other role with sufficient access rights (Read in this case) to the Move application feauture still won't see the Move option in the main menu.

See also

Making administrator functionality available to other users