
result = replace$ (startpos, string_or_tag, string_to_be_replaced, string_to_be_entered, options)


result, string_or_tag, string_to_be_replaced, string_to_be_entered: text

startpos: numeric

options: 1, 2, 4, or 8 (see table below)


This function replaces a (series of) character(s) by another character or series of characters in a string or tag, and searches towards it from character number startpos. The result of the replace action (the altered string) is put in result.

options (numeric):


Replace all occurrences of string_to_be_replaced.


Ignore uppercase and lowercase distinctions.


Replace whole words only.


Replace string_to_be_replaced only if it fills the entire field.

You can run several options at once by adding them and just entering their sum as one option. All options, except 1, replace only the first encountered string_to_be_replaced: if you'd like all occurrences of the string_to_be_replaced to be replaced, use 1.


result = replace$ (1, U1, '\\', '/', 1)
/* replaces all single backslashes with forwardslashes in field U1: for this function, backslashes (or single quotes) need to be escaped by doubling them;

result = replace$(1, searchValue, '''', '''''', 1)
/* replaces all single quotes with two single quotes in text variable searchValue: for this function, single quotes (or backslashes) need to be escaped by doubling them;

result = replace$ (1, TI[1], 'The', '', 6)
/* replaces 'The' as a whole word with nothing, and ignore case;

result = replace$ (1, SA, '\n', '<br>', 1)
/* replaces \n (new line) with an HTML break-tag