printimage (not supported in Axiell Collections)


printimage x, y, width, height, tag_or_path


x, y, width, height: integer

tag_or_path: tag or text


With PRINTIMAGE you can print an image anywhere on a page, along with text (for which you use PRINT and OUTPUT) if required. You determine the maximum size of the printed image (width and height) and its location on the page with respect to the upper left corner (x and y). Choose an empty location on the page to print the image and make sure texts will not be printed there too. The aspect ratio of the image will remain intact no matter what dimensions you provide, so the space between two images might not always be as you expected (but possibly bigger).

Tag_or_path should hold the URL to an image, or the path to an image (between quotes).

Dimensions for this function are in AUs (Adlib Units). A horizontal AU is 1/90 of the width of a standard printable A4 area; a vertical AU is 1/72 of the length of the standard printable A4 area.

PRINTIMAGE needs no OUTPUT to send the image to the printer.

Note that the user can't print images to a file via a print adapl, instead of printing directly to the printer, because it generates a simple text file. For such a purpose you should use Word print templates.

(Not supported in Axiell Collections and RunAdapl.)


printimage 70, 7, 10, 15, 'c:\MyImage.jpg'

printimage 70, 25, 10, 15, B1[1]


The image located in c:\ and the image linked to in the first occurrence of B1 (image reference field Identifier URL) are printed at the same size (10x15 AUs), 3 AUs above each other.