On the Detail screen or List screen tab, which is present when you have selected a new or existing screen reference for a data source in an application in the Application browser, you choose an (existing) screen file for this reference.
Click here for information on how to edit properties in general. And click here to read about how to manage objects in the tree view in the Application browser. On the current tab you'll only find the following setting:

Relative path

Select the desired screen file to associate with this data source. Preferably use a relative path, for example: ../screens/br_catal for a list screen associated with a Books data source.
Usually, a data source Screens list contains the following:

one list screen reference for the Result set view that Collections initially uses to display matching records after a search in this data source (until the users changes the selection of displayed columns).
Note that there are two types of screen references: List screen and Detail screen. You can choose the type when you create a new screen reference for a method in the tree view in the Application browser. Make sure you select a screen file of the same type, when you set this screen reference;
a number of detail screen references that together display the data from one record in this data source. Collections will display the detail screens to the user in the order of the current Screens list in the tree view;