page (not supported in Axiell Collections)


PAGE (y, x)


y, x: integer


Indicates the size of the printable area on a page: height (y) and width (x). Dimensions for this function are in AUs (Adlib Units). A horizontal AU is 1/90 of the width of a standard printable A4 area; a vertical AU is 1/72 of the length of the standard printable A4 area. (The standard font and font size for printing exactly 90 characters across the full available page width, is Courier size 11. If you change the margins yourself, then correspondingly the number of units that can be printed will be reduced. If you change the font you will be able to print fewer or more characters across the width of the page, depending on the font and font size you choose.)

Whenever the PAGE command is used in an adapl, 2 AUs of the specified height will be reserved for both the header and footer on every page (so, 4 AUs per page in total).

(Not supported in Axiell Collections and RunAdapl: Collections ignores the function if it is present anyway.)