movefile (not supported in Axiell Collections)


result = MOVEFILE ('source', 'destination')


result: integer

source, destination: text


This function (available from Adlib version 7.2.15015) moves a file or folder from source to destination. Specify the whole paths (and include the file name if you're targeting a specific file). You can specify a different folder or file name in the destination path if you'd like to rename the folder or file during the move. You can't move a file or folder to an existing destination: existing target files or folders won't be overwritten so if you'd like move a folder (its contents actually), the target folder must be non-existing one.
Further note that wildcards are not supported and that it is not possible to move folders across volumes unless they reside on the same drive. Files on the other hand, can be moved across volumes if desired.
The result of the function is an Adlib error code (0 if the move was successful).

This function is not supported in Axiell Collections.