let (not supported in Axiell Collections)


LET variable = expression


The assignment instruction assigns the result of an expression to a variable or an array element. For variable, you fill in the name of a variable or an array element, and for expression, the operation of which the result is to be saved in the variable.

You can leave out the word LET because the compiler also recognizes the combination variable = expression as an assignment instruction.


integer Counter

numeric Table[5]

text Order_Status[10]

Counter = 10

Table[2] = Counter + 0.5

Order_Status = 'on order'


The first assignment in this short program assigns the value 10 to the integer variable Counter. The second instruction adds the value 0.5 to Counter and assigns the result to element 2 of the numeric array Table. The third assignment assigns the text constant on order to the text variable Order_Status.