
stat = ISINHERITED (tag, occurrence)


stat, occurrence: integer

tag: database variable


This function can be used to determine whether the value in a specific occurrence of the specified field tag is inherited from a parent record (and therefore not stored in the currently processed record: stat = 1) or if the field value is normally stored in the current record (stat = 0). For normal, not-inherited fields, the result of this function will always be 0.
This function requires at least Collections, for adapl compilation Axiell Designer or adapl.exe 7.6.23068.1 and RunAdapl for running the adapl stand-alone.

Example (for a before-storage or after-field adapl)

integer stat

stat = isinherited (TI, 1);


if (stat = 0) {

   errorm 'Title is not inherited'

} else {

   errorm 'Title is inherited from a parent record'



An error message will display either text depending on whether the value in the Title field is inherited or not. The value in this example can only be inherited if the Title field has been set up as an inherited field, if the current record is a child record and in some higher record a title has been filled in, and if the title value nor any of the fields in the same field group in the current record has been edited manually.