
BINPATH '<file name>.bin'


This optional command instructs adapl.exe on compilation of the .ada file to a .bin file, to compile it to the provided path and/or file name only. If only a path is provided, the .bin file will get the name of the source file.
The instruction may appear anywhere in the .ada file, and may be repeated to compile the file to different locations/names at once.


Suppose you insert the following instructions in a file called orderlist.ada in the Axiell \adapl sources folder:

binpath 'somefile.bin'

binpath '..\test\orders.bin'

binpath 'C:\Axiell software\adaplbin'


On compilation, three .bin files will be created: somefile.bin in the same folder as the .ada source file, orders.bin in the \test folder (at the same level as \adapl sources) and orderlist.bin in C:\Axiell software\adaplbin\)